See Merlin's videoreview:


Rating: 4.5 stars 


Make: Smartbedz

Size: 55cm x 55cm x 79cm 

Material: Environmently-friendly, non-toxic cardboard

Benefits: Encourages your bunny or guinea pig to explore different levels and to do some of their own interior design.

Suitable for: Rabbits and guinea pigs

Price: £16.26 


We wanted to give Merlin the opportunity to be a real bunny and hide, play and sleep in small dark places without causing any injury. The cardboard castle offered him somewhere he can call his own and partake in a little interior design if he so wished, i.e. resizing the doors and windows etc. 

First attempt: The first cardboard pet castle we ordered came incomplete. The floors and ceilings were missing as were the instructions. I contacted Amazon and they sent a replacement within 48hrs.

Second attempt: We were able to put it together with little effort. No tools are required, just a little patience. We felt a real sense of achievement once the castle had been constructed and were dismayed when Merlin didn't want anything to do with it! We left it in situ figuring he wasn't feeling very adventurous that day.

The next day we put his favourite scratch mat on the bottom floor, a toilet roll stuffed with grass on the middle level and some vet bed and nuggets on the top floor and hey presto little Merlin ventured inside. He was only in for a few seconds before coming out again.  

Later that day we couldn't find Merlin. As a free roam bunny he has plenty of space in both the flat and the balcony but he wasn't in any of his usual's a mystery. I then noticed a tuft of fur sticking out of one of the cardboard castle's windows. I left him there and he remained in there for another 2 hours!

This large pet cardboard castle is now his favourite place to play and sleep. He favours using the first floor window as his entrance and exit point but then again our bunny likes a challenge. 

I have given it a 4.5 star rather than a 5 due to the incomplete castle we first received otherwise we, and more importantly Merlin, are more than pleased with it. 

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